

Just released this past October and a product of our Northern neighbor Canada, SIXENT  Is not just another social networking Platform like Facebook or twitter.  SIXENT is really layer out to please the user, allowing for the expression and contribution of individuals and groups.  I am using this web 2.0 platform to compile information, pictures, stories, film, and collaboration for use in a Museum project.  I have developed a Forum for the sharing of this information.  The museum is The National Vietnam War Museum  being built in Mineral Wells Texas.  So far I have 5 members, and quite a bit of content loaded onto the Sixent site.  I have a lot of privacy settings on the site, so I am not sure if you can view it, but here it is Vietnam War Forum you are welcome to join if this interests you.  So I am continuing to lay out the PODS for custom pages of content, like stories of the Children of Vietnam Veterans for example.
  Yesterday I added a video which was kind of challenging.  I ended up using the .mov platform as I think this can be viewed on either MACS or P.C.'s but I am not sure really and need to look into that Further.  The upload was a success though.  WHat is really great about this site is the option to add pods for different parts of the Forum.  It really makes it easier for the users to collaborate and create the type of content I am looking for.  I am thinking that when the Museum is built it should have a computer where people can join this group and add their content to the Forum.  My next challenge will be writing an elaborate Tutorial for my computer challenged users.

In the meantime, I have two administrator accounts and three moderators to help control the content of the Forum.  I am like a busy little bee building what I like too a clubhouse of sharing pieces of our heart.

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