Every Picture Tells A Story

Karen “E.K”. Smith

Brief Overview: This Relevant and Innovate Learning Scenario introduces learners to the web2.0 tools of and . Participants will be able to set up an account as invited within the Group National Vietnam War Museum at NVWM a Group Forum.  The Collection of Photographs and stories will be collaborated on, or just by individuals. will allow me to gather the pictures and stories and make brief slideshow for private viewing.

1. Target Audience- Vietnam Veterans, their Families, Vietnamese Refugees and their Families
2. Materials
·      PC or MAC Public Library or Home
·      Internet Connection
·      Valid Email Account
·      Digital Photo’s and Stories

3. Objectives– At the end of this Forum (if it ever ends) the participant will be able to:
·      Use the platform of Sixent easily joining as an invited member who adds content to the Forum.
·      Upload photos and engage in the forum through adding content and participating in Discussions.
·      Post relevant Events
·      Gather Ideas for Museum Content, Fundraising Resources, and relevant options.

4.  Outcomes--  To gather relevant materials, websites, film and video, photographs, and most important of all the stories people have to tell.  These will be compiled and hopefully used as part of the content of the Museum.  As well, hopefully through sharing stories and remembering we will bring resolution to this conflict of War.

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