
Every Picture Tells a Story | Educator Studio

Every Picture Tells a Story | Educator Studio


RILS - BP8 -Links to Comments

Tessa Perlman has an interesting concept for Renewable Energy Debates and has made it very interesting and usable for her students.  "Emergent Technology Tool The tool being used for this RILS project is Animoto. It is a web-based tool that can be used for free at http://www.animoto.com and used by teachers and students to create documentary style professional feeling videos.The preferred tool in this lesson was www.animoto.com"  Please follow this LINK TO MY COMMENTS on the Educator Studio.  Very cutting edge.

In another twist follow my LINK TO COMMENTS on this enlightening Cyberbullying PSA by ZBarnes on Educator Studio.  Please check out the CYBER BULLYING VIDEO and if your even more interested check out the whole scenario at ZBARNES PAGE  .

TWO great educators pushing the boundaries of education and innovation!!!!!!


Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario
Karen “E.K.” Smith

The purpose of this Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario “Every Picture Tells a Story” is to connect through education Teachers and their students with either Military or Civilians impacted by the Vietnam War.   As part of a History project, the student will gather photos and associated stories based on interviews and research. They will upload them to the site as part of their coursework Project of studying the Vietnam War.    This makes the student interact on several levels including within the community, with the subject they are interviewing, and within the Forum of National Vietnam War Museum. The web 2.0 platform being used for this project is Sixent.com. A Social Network platform that includes many levels of content upload opportunities lending themself to the Format of a Forum.

1.     Target Audience: 
a.     High school and University Teachers
b.   High school and University Students
c.   Veterans, Military and Vietnamese Families.
2.     Materials:
a.     Access to a Computer
b.     Internet access
c.      Photos (scanned or on a Disc)
d.    Recording Device or Pen and Paper for Interviews.
3.     Objectives: At the end of this learning scenario students will be able to:
a.     Upload Photo and relevant story describing the experience of person interviewed.
b.     Interact with people and develop content relevant to a real historical perspective.
      c.      Engage with each other in creative ways being able to share knowledge of learning concept with each    other and create tangible elements to demonstrate knowledge and share history.
4.     Procedure:
      a.     Teachers will look at site and create a page for their Class.
      b.     Students will be connected with a relative group like the American Legion, VFW, or Family. Students must obtain a signed release for photo and interview subject matter.
      c.      Students will participate in small groups to discuss and develop an understanding of the Subject matter.
      d.      Students will meet in small groups and define roles of the group in order to create a format for their interview questions and associated photos.
      e.     Teachers will distribute information to parents and students about the Forum and how and when to access it.
      f.    Students will coordinate interviews, and conduct them.  They will obtain photos and save them to a disc or thumb drive.
      h.     Students will create content according to their photo and complete a story based on their interview.
      i.     Students will upload their photo and associated story to the assigned page as a blog.
      j.       Students will Share the information of where the story is being posted with the person they interviewed and ask them to comment on their completed assignment.
5.     Emerging Technology Web 2.0 Tool:  http://sixent.com/
      a.     Sixent will be used to create a page within the Forum http://nvwm.sixent.com/  set up for the Museum http://www.nationalvnwarmuseum.org/  .  Sixent offers teachers, students, family, and veterans a social network platform to collect and share information by creating open dialogue and interaction with all those impacted and a relative tool for conscious education.
6.     Social Participation/Learning:
      a.     Students will use their provided resources to find someone to interview.  Students will make contact and an appointment for their interview.  During the initial phone call, students will take down basic information regarding the person they are interviewing and complete some relevant research. Students will work in groups to discuss and create a format for interview questions. Students will learn to communicate socially on a one on one capacity through the interview, and learn the skills of communication and open dialogue.
7.     Making Connections:
      a.     Students will learn about their subject and the subject matter through research.
      b.     The student will interact with the person they are interviewing and will be engaging in a living history format through the creation of an end product representing the relevant subject matter.
      c.      All persons involved will be building knowledge and creative interaction. Teachers, Students, and Interviewees benefit through the collaboration of reaching forward to add content and develop community bonds.
      d.  Students will offer the site, and/or set up the log-in for the person interviewed.
8.     Create/Produce:
      a.     Student will study the subject matter, interview a person, compose a story from the interview and upload a picture or video relevant to the subject matter to the appropriate page.

9.     Assessment Rubric:

RILS Rubric

Student is able to create content including media and a narrative story.
Story was relevant historically, including content that is clear, concise, and demonstrates knowledge of the project.
Story met requirements but lacked specific details reflecting the learning concept.
Story was completed in form but lacked association to the learning concept.
Story did not meet learning concept criteria and lacked proper form.  Ideas were not translated according to subject matter.
Student is able to work as a group to comprise questions, interview a person, and create collaborative experience.
Present at all workgroup discussions.  Organize subject matter, and associated questions, complete interview, select associated media and upload finished product.
Present at most workgroup discussions.  Complete subject matter.
Upload finished Product.
Missed workgroup discussions, worked independently, created product,
Uploaded finished product.
Did not participate in workgroup discussions.  Completed a unfinished product.  Did not understand subject matter or translate the information well.
Student is able to exchange ideas, create historically and personally relevant content in reasonable and confident manner.
Student demonstrated strong skills in all group roles and worked to successfully demonstrate and  teach others the learning concept.
Student was able to participate and interact in most roles within the group and was able to teach others the learning concept.
Student is able to create content. Student cannot work within the group.
Student is unable to understand the concept, create content and cannot work within the group.
Student is able to create content including, story/interview and media that accurately reflect the learning concept.
Student Completes and uploads all components including media and story/interview and delivers them to the site in the appropriate place.
Student creates a average narrative and media upload that exhibits learning concepts relevant to subject matter.
Student can only create a basic story, does not have knowledge of the subject matter.
Student does not follow through with interview, does not complete story or associated media.  Can not upload media to site.

10.   Reflection:
A.    As part of the Students reflection they will conduct a follow up assessment with the person interviewed.  The student will add the comments to their web page.  The assessment will be comprised of Four questions.
  1. How did you feel being interviewed and telling your story?
  2. What do you think of the Forum and what should be added?
      a.  Would you invite other Veterans or Families to the Forum?
  1. Do you think this is a good way to share history and engage students in their education?
  2. Did telling your story show how important and relevant your experience was?

B.     As part of the students’ reflection they will discuss their experiences in the interview process in a presentation for the class.
C.    As part of the students’ experience, they will add their own reflection on their experience and what they learned to the page.
D.    The Teachers will assess the value of the web2.0 platform, the project/forum, and relevance to significant learning for coursework with their students.   The assessment will be comprised of four questions.
  1. Did this type of interactive History and Community involvement help you understand the War and the people involved more?
  2. Do you think this is a good way to gather History and learn at the same time?
  3. How were you impacted by this project and do you feel it encouraged you to learn more?
  4. Is there anything that you would add or change about this Forum?

As part of the teacher’s assessment of the project, an open letter will be sent to all interview participants, including students’ insights and the value of the collaborative and interactive learning experience. The teacher will share the impact of the experience on the students, and share their observations. Student will be assigned new groups to create the letter to represent the class.


PE__5 Sixent

Sixent has so many layers and possibilities and it is almost overwhelming.  It is kind of like Facebook on Steroids.  Anyhow, I have begun to work on my tutorial and as I work I am discovering new things on this site as I go.  It seems they have been developing this platform for the last three years and just now released it.  As you can see in the screenshot above I have made different pages for different groups of people impacted by the Vietnam War, and I am not finished with those yet either.

What I learned through this process is that you can have more than just a page ........you can have a page within a page and several pages, each person can have their own page.  Consequently, it is not "just" a page.  The page contains the resources to add photos, link's, bookmark's, files, and even a BLOG......that's right!  As Well the other users in the Forum can comment on all your entries.  You have the option to let others see that post or not.
You can also make "special Notes" about your members that only you can see.   You can create a Wiki--


A Web site developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content.
There is the option to have a RSS feed for the page or the Wiki and that way you can remain in control of the content and the possible abuse or misinformation someone might accidentally post.   The best thing of all are the elaborate Privacy settings and the safety, security, and solace their simplified user settings allow.  They also have many layers of security.   YES you can Block People.  Various Privacy settings for the individual are list below.  The Privacy settings for the Group Page are individually set when you set the Group up, and can be altered within each post.



Just released this past October and a product of our Northern neighbor Canada, SIXENT  Is not just another social networking Platform like Facebook or twitter.  SIXENT is really layer out to please the user, allowing for the expression and contribution of individuals and groups.  I am using this web 2.0 platform to compile information, pictures, stories, film, and collaboration for use in a Museum project.  I have developed a Forum for the sharing of this information.  The museum is The National Vietnam War Museum  being built in Mineral Wells Texas.  So far I have 5 members, and quite a bit of content loaded onto the Sixent site.  I have a lot of privacy settings on the site, so I am not sure if you can view it, but here it is Vietnam War Forum you are welcome to join if this interests you.  So I am continuing to lay out the PODS for custom pages of content, like stories of the Children of Vietnam Veterans for example.
  Yesterday I added a video which was kind of challenging.  I ended up using the .mov platform as I think this can be viewed on either MACS or P.C.'s but I am not sure really and need to look into that Further.  The upload was a success though.  WHat is really great about this site is the option to add pods for different parts of the Forum.  It really makes it easier for the users to collaborate and create the type of content I am looking for.  I am thinking that when the Museum is built it should have a computer where people can join this group and add their content to the Forum.  My next challenge will be writing an elaborate Tutorial for my computer challenged users.

In the meantime, I have two administrator accounts and three moderators to help control the content of the Forum.  I am like a busy little bee building what I like too a clubhouse of sharing pieces of our heart.


BP6 Blog to Blog

I enjoyed the  WEB2.0 plat form Tracy Reviewed in her blog
THIS IS THE LINK  to her WEB2.O ---VYEW-- to that platform.
Here is THE LINK to my Comments on her review of VYEW and here IS THE LINK
to her Blog Tracy's Dynamic View .


BP5 Blog to Blog

Check out my Link on Mr. Brosnan's 1734Real Time Blog regarding WORDLE and it's use as a History Platform, I was Just trying to share some History with him.

Here is a link to that Speech in WORDLE

And here is a link to the Speech

E.K. Smith - great easy songs

E.K. Smith - great easy songs: Powered by http://www.listnplay.com



While selecting the WEB2.0  Platforms, I always search for the Free ones, this one is Absolutely Free, which gives me more confidence in their impetus for education and sharing knowledge.  It is also really cool looking, so I felt drawn in by the Yacapaca Icon.  What does it mean...Yacapaca... what language...  http://www.urbandictionary.com/products.php?term=yacapaca&defid=1660827  or look at http://www.definition-of.net/yacapaca  And there it is , AZTEC (very cosmic considering the iMovie pieces I just posted on the Blog!)  I think I like this better then Twiducate for so many reasons.  As you will see in the next screenshot, there are several educational  categories and each one has a certain number of entries to date.  It really is exciting to see that http://yacapaca.com allows the Teacher access to work uploaded from other Teachers curriculum.

I particularly like the fact that you can share even beyond http://yacapaca.com to enhance the saturation of the learning experiences expression.  I have decide that this will be my Web 2.0 Platform for my RILS Project.  It seems that this type of educational platform really enhances the options for shared knowledge with no Borders.  Since I have had the opportunity to travel a lot, this seems to be a bridge over the troubled waters of education.  I am looking forward to the day they add SKYPE and initiate Global Debate Teams.

http://yacapaca.com offers curriculum from all over the World.  It seems like the United Kingdom is really resourcing it's capabilities and free educational Platform.  While moving through some of their  Resources, it seems they have a user rated quality control built in to the varying tests, papers etc.
This website could do no wrong in my book.  It allows the Teacher to plan coursework for their students, online or offline while creating an educational community that shares in their love of learning.
  Go On and Yaca Paca at  http://yacapaca.com


PE3 i Movie


Click On The Link above for Video 1

Well good Morning, good Evening, the sun will be Rising soon.  I have found myself perplexed in the uploading of the Video, so finally I managed to Publish one on a private youtube station.  You can access the video with the link above.  Right now I am uploading my long format video with the original indigenous  music  that should accompany the Aztec Performance.  I know I will have to watch some of the iMovie tutorials offered through LYNDA again, still for now at least I know how to play with the program.

The iMovie program itself is very user friendly, even adapting itself to the varying users set standards.  I find the different effects to be really great, and since I was used to using effects directly when I filmed, this makes everything a lot more friendly for the user and allows for many variations for the overall effect of the completed video.  Of course this project has forced me to set up another youtube account specifically oriented to these class projects.  This is actually a good lesson since I have never uploaded video to youtube before tonight, this morning, or whatever time qualifies.

 Click on the Link Above for Video 2

Finally, the other link is available.  This makes me think of how lucky kids in High school are to be able to have this medium to express their creativity.  Wow, what I would have given to have this medium available to be back in the 1920's......okay I am joking about the year, still WOW.

iMovie, you have beat me today, tonight, this morning, or whatever time it is.  I Will Be Back.



Well, after watching the clips up until the editing portion, I think (probably need to review) I have a grasp on picking my clips, tagging them, choosing their positioning, ie people, outside, inside, etc. and of course keyed in my preferences.  LYNDA tutorials are great, and I admit that I will need to review them to really get a grasp on every aspect of what I am learning, and the associated letters, numbers and keys associated on the keyboard.  Right now I am wishing I had another screen to put the iMovie on so I could watch the tutorials without pausing and switching back and forth.

I can imagine that a bigger screen would enhance my learning perspective, still I can just get closer to the screen as pictured above! Still All in all I am happy to be learning something I can put to use instead of something that puts me to sleep.

PE 1__ iMovie

iMovie will probably be my new favorite use of my software on the Macbook Pro.  Since I already had existing footage from an event I made a video for, I have chosen that to use in the editing process.  The existing footage had been saved to an external 1 terrabyte storage that was previously used with my ASUS laptop.  While I cannot access everything stored through the external storage, I am fortunate to be able to import media and songs, as well as documents and such.  It seems that a lot of my editing will be used for pre-existing footage I have shot in the past, so this part of importing utilizes what I have already downloaded and saved.
I have hours and hours of footage, on tapes and DVD's of which I could spend many moons editing and sharing for others to enjoy.  Over the years I have shot so many events, including, protests, powwow's, my band performing, and of course my daughter growing up.  iMovie offers me the platform to really learn and create mini-movies to archive and share with others.  It surely beats the old way I use to edit of pause and put the new tape in....albeit I got pretty good at that though!
What I love so far about iMovie is it's user friendly application and simplicity of movement....I see myself moving forward as I write this!


Video1 I am in


A video I was in ......in the 80's.....I am the Girl with the long hair through the video. It was a wig, my real hair was actually one inch long and bleach platinum ala my Punk Rock style


 Did you know A.D.D.I.E. was first designed for the U.S. Army? "ADDIE first appeared in 1975. It was created by the Center for Educational Technology at Florida State University for the U.S. Army and then quickly adapted by all the U.S. Armed Forces. "(Branson, Rayner, Cox, Furman, King, Hannum, 1975; Watson, 1981).  The link below shows the history of the popular education format as it has grown through time to be implemented in schools and for business platforms.   "The five phases of ISD are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation and control. The first four are sequential in nature, but the evaluation and control phase is a continuous process that is conducted in conjunction with all of the others."  http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/history_isd/addie.html
So, is using something designed for the Military what we want our education to be?  Or is it better put to practice within business models?


It seems the thinking behind the above Military ISD-ADDIE format actually does make sense in the motivation of the student for learning.   This type of Instructional Design seems to take the formula of ADDIE to another level by challenging the user to insure that what the student is learning is absorbed and can be put into practice.

Looking at A.D.D.I.E.  when used from a business point of view instead of strictly for school we find the following article on http://www.scribd.com.  This Format actually would work for a small or large business, a unit within a business, and a non-profit would especially learn from this article.http://www.scribd.com/doc/11605511/The-ADDIE-Instructional-Design-Model 

Designed by Florence Beraud January 2009

Another website using A.D.D.I.E. for business development  http://www.intulogy.com/addie/  "In this section of the training library, you'll learn how Intulogy uses the ADDIE instructional design model to help our clients meet their training needs. We've blended a discussion of the theory with the experience of our training specialists." http://www.intulogy.com/addie/workplace.html
It is interesting that an educational model can be so important in implementing business strategy, group moral, and overall evaluation of what works and what doesn't in business matters.  For more resources check out the web address http://videos.mitrasites.com/addie-model.html

Clark, D. R. (Updated September 26, 2011. Created July 13, 1995.) Retrieved Nov 30,  2011 from
Clark, D. R. (Created November 7, 2004, Updated June 10, 2007) Retrieved Nov 30,  2011 from Instructional System Design Concept Map  http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/ahold/isd.html
